현재 본사 공식 홈페이지에서 판매순위 2위를 (1위는 Berry Crunch Cereal) 기록중인 인기 액상이다.
많은 액상들을 제치고 수위권을 차지했다는 것은 그만큼 많은 사람들이 맛있다고 인정했다는 뜻이기도 하다.
사진만 봐서는 무슨 맛인지 알기 어려운데, 제조사는 액상을 이렇게 설명하고 있다.
Hawk Sauce is a complex blend of sweet and slightly sour berries, with a light hint of cool menthol.
호크 소스는 달고 시큼한 베리의 조합에 약간의 쿨 멘솔이 가미되어 있는 액상입니다.
Mixed with inspirations drawn from the Pacific Northwest, Hawk Sauce e-juice is a delightfully refreshing and deliciously fruity vape.
미국 북서부에서 영감을 받아 제작한 호크 소스 액상은 상쾌하고 맛있는 과일향 액상입니다.
Hawk Sauce is an e-juice for football fans, but is not endorsed or licensed by the Seattle Seahawks or the NFL.
호크 소스는 미식축구 팬들을 위한 액상이지만, NFL(프로미식축구리그)이나 Seattle Seahawks(미식축구팀)로부터 공인된 액상은 아닙니다.
내가 느낀 맛은
왕꿈틀이에 가장 가까웠다.
달고 약간은 인공적인 과일향이 주가 되면서 신 맛이 감돈다.
인기가 많아서 나도 기대를 하면서 산 향료인데, 블루 무Blue Moo보다 만족도는 떨어졌다.
그렇게 많이 회자될 정도의 맛은 아닌듯...
그리고 사용상 조심할 점이 있다.
이 액상은 플라스틱 경통과 접촉하면 경통을 깰 수 있으니 유리경통을 사용하는 무화기에만 사용해야 한다.
제조사의 쉐이드 레이팅은 1이다.
액상을 사용했을 때 얼마나 슬러지가 많이 끼는지를 점수로 매긴 것인데,
어두워질수록(점수가 높아질 수록) 빨리 슬러지가 끼고
밝아질수록(점수가 낮아질 수록) 슬러지가 덜 낀다고 한다.
쉐이드 레이팅에 대한 자세한 설명은 여기에서 확인하면 된다.
내가 액상을 자작한 레시피와 시연 기기를 밑에 붙여넣는다.
s you may have seen (or linked from), there is a shade rating diagram in the product description of every e juice that we sell at Mt Baker Vapor. We rate the shade (darkness/lightness) of our juice on a scale of one to five as accurately as possible for your convenience.
What difference does the shade make?
The shade of the e juice comes from the flavoring base, and has a direct effect of the e juice shade itself. Typically, darker-colored juices tend to leave a resin (ingredients in the flavoring that aren’t vaporized) behind at a faster rate than lighter-colored juices, decreasing the atomizer/coil lifespan. Typically, the darker the juice, the faster this process will occur.
Why do we carry dark-colored e juice?
We try to provide many flavor options of e juice and, unfortunately, not all of the flavoring bases are light-colored. Consider it a coin toss, like using a low-resistance atomizer (which will essentially provide more power at the cost of a typically shorter lifespan). In short, we have some great dark-colored flavors that are worth selling; we just want to provide you with as much knowledge as possible about the hardware risk involved.
How accurate is the diagram?
Since we offer a lot of e juice customization options which include many variables that effect the color/shade, it is difficult to be incredibly accurate. The variables that determine subtle differences include nicotine content, extra flavoring shots, and time. More nicotine will always add more of an orange hue to the e juice, and this typically increases with time (steeping). Extra flavor shots add more flavoring percentage to the bottle, which, intuitively, effects the outcome as well. Lastly, steeping (time) can change the color/shade of certain flavors, sometimes dramatically. PG/VG are clear and do not have an effect on e juice color/shade.
Some flavors, such as Ecto Cooler (which is exceptionally yellow relatively), are far from being within the representational spectrum/gradient color-wise and are rated as closely as possible shade-wise.
Iced Tea and USA Blend (a tobacco flavor) are rated “1”, and Green Tea is rated “5”. Are these mistakes?
No. Not all flavoring bases are the color that they would seem. Ideally, all juices would be clear as clear in possible in color, but sometimes ingredients that make the flavor bases dark in color are needed to achieve the best flavor.
- See more at: http://blog.mtbakervapor.com/baker-vapor-e-juice-shade-ratings/#sthash.CfsnYHGj.dpufs you may have seen (or linked from), there is a shade rating diagram in the product description of every e juice that we sell at Mt Baker Vapor. We rate the shade (darkness/lightness) of our juice on a scale of one to five as accurately as possible for your convenience.
What difference does the shade make?
The shade of the e juice comes from the flavoring base, and has a direct effect of the e juice shade itself. Typically, darker-colored juices tend to leave a resin (ingredients in the flavoring that aren’t vaporized) behind at a faster rate than lighter-colored juices, decreasing the atomizer/coil lifespan. Typically, the darker the juice, the faster this process will occur.
Why do we carry dark-colored e juice?
We try to provide many flavor options of e juice and, unfortunately, not all of the flavoring bases are light-colored. Consider it a coin toss, like using a low-resistance atomizer (which will essentially provide more power at the cost of a typically shorter lifespan). In short, we have some great dark-colored flavors that are worth selling; we just want to provide you with as much knowledge as possible about the hardware risk involved.
How accurate is the diagram?
Since we offer a lot of e juice customization options which include many variables that effect the color/shade, it is difficult to be incredibly accurate. The variables that determine subtle differences include nicotine content, extra flavoring shots, and time. More nicotine will always add more of an orange hue to the e juice, and this typically increases with time (steeping). Extra flavor shots add more flavoring percentage to the bottle, which, intuitively, effects the outcome as well. Lastly, steeping (time) can change the color/shade of certain flavors, sometimes dramatically. PG/VG are clear and do not have an effect on e juice color/shade.
Some flavors, such as Ecto Cooler (which is exceptionally yellow relatively), are far from being within the representational spectrum/gradient color-wise and are rated as closely as possible shade-wise.
Iced Tea and USA Blend (a tobacco flavor) are rated “1”, and Green Tea is rated “5”. Are these mistakes?
No. Not all flavoring bases are the color that they would seem. Ideally, all juices would be clear as clear in possible in color, but sometimes ingredients that make the flavor bases dark in color are needed to achieve the best flavor.
- See more at: http://blog.mtbakervapor.com/baker-vapor-e-juice-shade-ratings/#sthash.CfsnYHGj.dpuf'전자담배리뷰 > 액상e-Juice' 카테고리의 다른 글
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